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North Point Educational Service Center



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Multiple Disabilities

One of the services the North Point Educational Service Center provides to school districts is specialized instruction and classrooms for students with Multiple Disabilities, Hearing Impairments and Orthopedic Impairments. Students range in age from 5 through 21 and may access our classrooms in a variety of setting in Public School, Vocational School or some separate facilities. Currently we have 27 classrooms, each with a certified teacher and at least one Educational Assistant.

The education of students with Multiple Disabilities and Hearing Impairments must provide for academic instruction aligned with Ohio's Content Standards as well as specialized instruction in social skills, appropriate behavior, and effective communication with a special emphasis on daily living skills and vocational skills. Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech/Language Pathologists and Adaptive PE Teachers assist students with disabilities achieve success in the educational environment.

All instruction and activities focus on enabling each student to become a contributing, more independent participant in the home, community and work environment.

State and District Test Participation

Students with disabilities must be included in statewide testing and assessment programs. They may take the grade level achievement test for each grade level 3 - 8, The Ohio Graduation Test at grade 10, or the Alternate Assessment. The determination regarding which assessment is appropriate is made by the IEP team.

For additional information contact Julie Riley or Brandi Perkins :  Julie Riley 419-627-3929 or email her at jriley@npesc.org  Brandi Perkins 419-627-3922 or email at bperkins@npesc.org